Embed your content
on any website
No-code widget, to showcase your work

How it works ⚡️
Enter your Source URL
Choose the source and give us the URL.
Select styles, colours and fonts for your Embed
Copy & Paste
Take the snippet and paste it in your Website 🎉
Choose the number of issues to show from your latest or top newsletter issues.
As easy as copy-paste
Just paste 2 lines of HTML to get it working.
Give us your newsletter URL and set few preferences, we give you HTML that just works.
Always upto-date
Refreshes the content as soon as you publish a new issue. Never stale.
Add custom CSS to make it look like a perfect fit for your website or blog.
See it in action 💃
the embed feel native on your site.
Good things people have said 🙌
“Stackblocks provided an extremely simple and hassle-free method to integrate my substack newsletter on my website. It lets you customize how you want it to appear on your website and is as simple as copy and pasting. It has definitely made my life much easier and I would recommend it to others as well.”

Prabal Gupta
Podcast Host, The Capital Analyst · MBA, IIM Calcutta '22
“You'd think embedding a feed of your substack content into a website would be simple, but it wasn't for me–that is, until I discovered Stackblocks. Stackblocks is excellent, simple to use, and delivers exactly what you want it to.”

Cosmo Wallace
Director · Writer
“Stackblocks helped me embed my content from Substack and easily apply styling without having to mess around with anything custom. Their support team also responded very quickly to my questions and provided multiple solutions that in the end helped me get my website up and running.”

Kyle Nelson
Tech Writer
Preview content from https://personal-site.super.so/
Substack content from https://on.substack.com/archive
Don't just ask emails
Let people see preview of your content so they fall in love, instantly. 😍
Start embedding your content ⚡
We are actively developing support for other sources. You can follow Aravind on Twitter to get updates.