Most loved posts from Matt's Mix Tape newsletter

A Substack newsletter by Matt Tillotson 💛

[SB 224] At 50, what are the Fs you have left to give?

I’m Matt, and welcome to Steady Beats. If you like to walk for a better life, and also like Dire Straits’ “Walk of Life,” you just might like this newsletter. At 50, gravity is both friend and foe. Gravity is a foe, in that its wretched relentlessness has spent five decades trying to pull your various bodily components onto the ground. Wrinkles form, battle scars against the laws of physics. Components once high and tight are … less so.

Dec 11, 2023Read More

[SB 190] The alcohol merry-go-round, Take on Me, and a correction

Hi, I’m Matt. Welcome to Steady Beats: a newsletter about building the middle-aged body and life you want in small and Steady Beats. Happy Easter. At Write of Passage, we’re one week out from the cohort launch (still time to join us if you’re interested). We’re ready to welcome hundreds of fired-up and ready-to-write students for a five-week experience that changes lives.

Apr 10, 2023Read More

[MT.180] The Last Mix Tape

Welcome to Matt’s Mix Tape: A steady beats approach to midlife fitness, writing, and mindset. Welcome to the final Mix Tape. This is it. Am I being overdramatic for cheap attention? Absolutely! The newsletter will continue, but under a new name. I’m also in the process of moving my personal

Jan 29, 2023Read More

“Buy CDs,” proclaims Gen Xer, shaking his fist at the sky

Hi, I’m Matt, and welcome to Steady Beats. If you like to walk for a better life, and also like Dire Straits’ “Walk of Life,” you just might like this newsletter. You know those people who boldly proclaim, chin jutting out, back ramrod straight, that they have no regrets?

Apr 18, 2024Read More

[SB 216] Giving in to your nature

I’m Matt, and welcome to Steady Beats. If you like to walk for a better life, and also like Dire Straits’ “Walk of Life,” you just might like this newsletter. Questions pondered I think about this clip from David Perell often, on surrendering to our nature

Oct 11, 2023Read More

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